Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thinkin' Thursday: Terraforming Mars

Lifeguarding at a pool gives you a lot of time to think, and at five in the morning I tend to have VERY random thoughts. Luckily, I work with some of my best friends who actually encourage my pondering adventures. Let's take Tuesday morning for example. It's dark outside. You can see the stars perfectly. So what do I start thinking about? Outer space of course! I begin a conversation with a fellow guard that somehow leads to terraforming Mars.

I decided to do a little research when I arrived home. I discovered the terraforming of Mars is actually a hot subject. Type terraforming into a Google search, and "terraforming Mars" is the second keyword that appears. Who knew? So, according to, terraforming means to "alter the environment of a celestial body in order to make capable of supporting terrestrial life forms." This process would take centuries to complete

The latest Mars rover is on a mission to discover if humanity can terraform Mars. There's certain requirements that need to be met to achieve this goal. According to, we must overcome the following challenges:

                                          1. The surface temperature must be raised
                                          2. The atmospheric pressure must be increased
                                          3. The chemical composition of the atmosphere must be changed
                                          4. The surface must be made wet
                                          5. The surface flux of UV radiation must be reduced

There's many theories and strategies on how these challenges will be realized. To read more on this interesting random thought visit Here's a video of theoretical theorists, Michio Kaku, discussing the terraforming of Mars.

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